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Grade 11 Art
Title : Orange Tea
Medium : Watercolour on W/Color paper
Explanation : This is a watercolour piece I completed in about a week or two; I did a copy of my original photography image as shown on the right side. Im not too fond of the outcome as I have absolutely no patience for detailing my artwork. |
Title : National Geographic
Medium : Pencil on sketchbook paper // Etching on clear plexiglass
Explanation : The image on the left is a pencil reproduction of a girl I found in a National Geographic book. The image on the right is the hand-etched version on clear plexiglass, finished with black ink. |
Title : " If you wanna make the world a better place; take a look at yourself and make a change."
Medium : Pencil on sketchbook paper
Explanation : This was my first series of the weekly sketches I had actually finished. It consisted of three drawings- each having part of the title name which was taken from a song by Michael Jackson. I have never gone into so much detail in a sketch compared to the image on the right.
Title : Conte' Hand Drawing
Medium : Black, white and grey conte' chalk on grey construction paper
Explanation : This was my first time experimenting with conte. We were to complete a drawing of ourselves holding a reflective ball, remembering to add the details seen inside of the reflection itself. This piece im also not fond of - I dont like the way it turned out. |
Title : Line to Value Drawing
Medium : Pencils on paper
Explanation : Line to value was one of the assigned units we completed during the first half of second semester. I struggled with this image a fair amount... It didnt come out as I had wanted. :/ |
Title : Comission for Amanda Branchaud // Mercy
Medium : Oils and acrylics on canvas
Explanation : First image : I was asked to complete a painting of Mrs. Branchaud's fiances guitar (thats kind of a mouth-full to say) for his birthday. It took me approximately 40+ hours to complete. The image shown is an incomplete example.
Second image : I completed this piece as a substitute for a weekly sketch; It took me about 18+ hours to complete. The story behind this image is at the time I was feeling inadiquate and depressed with my life. The blank expression on my face symbolizes my ambivalence and lack of knowledge on how to relate to other people in order to coincide. I am not a people person and usually keep to myself. |
Title : Love
Medium : Pencils on sketchbook paper
Explanation : This piece was made in dedication to my boyfriend Dustin Smith. Ive been with him for two years :) I looooooooovvvvvvvvvvvesss himmmmm. I know people think that such a thing is naive to say, but... Whatever. Hes the most genuine, heart-felt boy ive ever met in my life. And people like him are so hard to come by. <3 |
Grade 10 Art
Title : Mummy
Medium : Pecils on sketchbook paper
Explanation : This is a picture of my dearest mummy <3 I love her to death, so I decided id draw her a picture of when she was younger. My mummy is my bestest friend :) |
Title : Absolem in Wonderland // Les Couleurs
Medium : Open Canvas 4.5 Plus ( Digital images )
Explanation : These pieces I completed on the computer. The first was made for a contest on Deviantart. Unfortunately ( like always -_- ) I didnt win. I didnt even place anything. Alice in Wonderland is my favourite movie of all time, and secretly sometimes I wish I lived there with the Cheshire Cat. The second image was inspired by an old friend, Henry Dowling. I was experimenting with colours, and think it turned out fairly good. |
Title : Brie Cantlon // Realism Practice
Medium : Open Canvas 4.5 Plus ( Digital images )
Explanation : These images as well were created using a computer program. For both I was trying out my realism study. The first was a replicate of a friend, Brianna Cantlon, and the second an image from Deviantart. |
Title : The Notebook
Medium : Pencils on Sketchbook paper
Explanation : I am in utter love with the movie, "The Notebook." I have never cried during a movie, EXCEPT this one. It makes me cry rivers. So, to show my appreciation I replicated the famous kissing scene. |
Title : Bob Marley T-shirt // T-shirt for Emily Gifford
Medium : Acrylics mixed with Fabric Medium on canvas T-shirts
Explanation : The first picture is a t-shirt I painted of Bob Marley. This was one of the first shirts I had ever painted on- Sadly I didnt mix enough medium with the acrylic and it came out like cardboard :/
The second image was for my friend Emily Gifford. This one came out quite nicely, and didnt resemble anything like cardboard. |
Grade 9 Art
Title : Dream Room
Medium : Coloured Pencils on Sketchbook Paper
Explanation : This was an assigned unit in grade 9 Art of what we would depict as our dream rooms. Looking back on this now, I have a whole different idea in regards to how I see my dream room. This didnt turn out as good as I wanted, but whatever. |
Title : He Calls
Medium : Pencils on paper // Linoleum cut out // Ink on paper
Explanation : This was my creative process to the grade 9 print unit. We used linoleum and scratch tools in order to cut out our previously drawn design. I chose to do an image of Michaelangelo's, as it is one of my favourite paintings by him. Next we used an ink finish to press onto the linoleum and onto paper.
Title : Typical Female // Hand drawing
Medium : Pencils on sketchbook paper
Explanation : The first image was part of the grade 9 weekly sketches. This was my first ever fully detailed picture with pencil, and I feel it turned out fairly well for my skill at the time. The second image was my first ever attempt at actually sitting down and completing a picture of my hand. |
Title : Untitled // Fred
Medium : Tempra paints on cardboard paper // oils on poster board
Explanation : The first image was a painting we were to finish of real life objects. I wasnt satisfied with this painting at all so I pretended I didnt finish it for evaluation ( Sorry Mrs. Davies ) The second painting is a self portrait that I did back in grade 9. Its.... Certainly unfinshed... |
Title : Light, Reflections and Value
Medium : Pencils on paper
Explanation : This picture was part of an assigned unit for grade 9 art. We coiled up a strip of paper in order to produce and example of the final outcome. We then were to record what we saw.
Title : Eye Whitness
Medium : Acrylics mixed with olive oil
Explanation : This was my very first painting completed on canvas. I was experimenting with color and symbolism, and this is the final outcome. The story behind this painting is sort of biblical - But ill leave it up to you to try and guess what the symbolism behind it is. |
Title : Vollow
Medium : Open Canvas 4.5 Plus ( Digital Image )
Explanation : This picture I created in grade eight - I was aiming to encourage my shadow and highlighting skills. The image represents my stubborness with men.
Title : Jayden Haze // Chocolate self portrait
Medium : Pencils on sketchbook paper // Chocolate sauce on sketchbook paper
Explanation : The first image was a sketch doodle I found from way back in my eighth grade year. This is a character of mine that I have been planning on putting in as a main character in a comic book series. I dont know when I will pick up on it, but I am in hopes of incorporating her into one some day. The second image was made out of chocolate sauce and a tooth pick - Yes, haha I love to play with my food. |
Grade 6-7
Title : Childhood Sketches
Medium : Pencils and pen ink on sketchbook paper
Explanation : This compilation of sketches are a bunch of pictures that have been laying in my childhood sketchbook for years. This is how I used to draw way back from six years ago. |
Title : Jack
Medium : Pencils and pen ink on sketchbook paper
Explanation : This is another character sketch done back in grade six. |
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